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Varied programme at the events.


There is always something going on at our Zoo. From talks to animal campaign days, from species conservation events to fun-filled family celebrations: visitors of all ages can look forward to exciting events all year round.

Upcoming events 2024

Glattotter im Wasser.

Summer vacations at the zoo

During the summer holidays, we are once again offering memorable and exciting animal ...

Zoo mascot Koali with sugar cones in his hands.

School beginners party

Your child's starting school - and we'd love to celebrate with you! On 11 August, our First ...


Zoo Day - Look behind the scenes

Anyone who really wants to take a close look at our zoo should drop by on 15 September, when ...

Meerkat sitting in front of a pumpkin.

Autumn vacations at the zoo

Enjoy the vibrant colours of autumn at Dresden Zoo with a series of colourful holiday activities.

Verkleideter Zooscout zur Halloween-Feier

Halloween at the Zoo

Everyone is invited to the big Halloween party on 31 October. More information will follow soon.

Gift vouchers

All day tickets and annual passes are also available as vouchers. We will be happy to send these to you for a handling fee of 3 euros (5 euros from abroad). Just use our contact form to send your request.

Go to contact form

Banded mongoose
Banded mongoose

discover more

Wild news

Whether it’s new arrivals of baby animals, reports on our involvement in species conservation, or new ...

Wild news

Our animals

Dresden Zoo is home to around 1,400 animals representing 243 species. In addition to visitor favourites ...

Our animals

Tips for your visit

Our Zoo covers an area of around 13 hectares and offers visitors of all ages a fun, relaxing and truly ...

Tips for your visit