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Ring-tailed lemur in the indoor enclosure.

Elephant enclosure extension

Animal news | 28 June 2021

Elephant enclosure extension

Anyone strolling past our elephants’ bathing pool is bound to see the work that’s currently under way to extend their outdoor enclosure. The visitors rock provides a good view of the construction site, which covers an area of 1,400 square metres and is currently a hive of activity. Water pipes and electrical cables have already been laid, and steel columns have been positioned ready for the enclosure barriers. In addition, a service path has been created for the keepers, running between the outer fence of the zoo and the elephant enclosure. The paving has also been laid for the visitor path. The entire area is currently being excavated to a depth of around half a metre, and will then be filled with sand to make an exercise space for the elephants. The project is well on track, and we hope to be able to open the enclosure at the beginning of August.

Überblick über die Baustelle der Elefantenaußenanlage
View of the construction site from the predator rock.
Der Besuchsweg bei der Elefantenaußenanlage wird neu gepflastert.
New paving stones for the visitor path.
Die Fläche der erweiterten Elefantenaußenanlage wird ausgekoffert.
Excavation of the exercise space.

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